Thursday, October 9, 2014

{MO Cowbell Half} #runningfordrew

My most recent race fell perfectly in line as part of my training plan for the St. Jude Memphis Marathon {coming up in December- shameless plug: here is my St. Jude Heroes Fundraising Page}.  I choose to participate in this race, along with an amazing group of nurses from work to run in memory of Drew, one of our little patients that lost his battle with cancer earlier this year.  Drew was a very special little boy that touched the hearts of all of his nurses.

Mo Cowbell Marathon is one of our local fall races.  I have participated in the half marathon it every year since its beginning in 2011.  It is advertised as a very fast, flat course, and i can assure you it is, since that is where i have completed some of my best race times!  Back in 2012, i ran my personal best half marathon on this course... 2 hours and 19 seconds.  I decided that this was the year i was going to complete this course under two hours.  
I bribed asked a super speedy runner friend of mine if she would be willing to help pace me under 2 hours.  She willingly took on my challenge.   "only a nine minute per mile pace" she said... which seems pretty scary considering i am typically a 9:45-10:15/mile runner.  She assured me we could do it!
i prepped my "equipment" the night before.  we sure do need a lot of stuff during a race!
race morning i fueled myself with a breakfast of only the finest ingredients  
mini muffins & spark, then we (chrissi & i) set off to meet up with a few of the girls from work.
race morning was a little chilly, but we warmed up quickly once we were moving.  
we lined up at the 9 min/mile marker.  that is a scary place to be standing!
there were people packed together as far as the eye can see!
 and in no time at all... 
we were off!

chrissi and i ran then entire race together, and i have to say thank you Chrissi, for all of the encouragement you gave me throughout the race.
{i promise we are happier than we look during this run}
this is my concentration face.  the course is relatively flat, except for a mile long hill around mile between miles 9-10.  i was determined not to half to walk up that hill, and not to lose too much ground! 
and just crossing.  meeting my goal of a sub 2 hour half marathon.
not to shabby, huh?
Jenn & Chrissi (my pacer) from my Wentzville Runners Club
the Mo Cowbell mascot
the #runningfordrew crew
dr. dan.  this man is fast! 
i loved the medals this year!
and the shirts. by far the best shirts since the race began.  
after the race, the whole #runningfordrew crew headed over to the Ameristar Casino for brunch. 
where we all tried to eat enough to justify the $25 price tag.  it was a challenge, believe me!

we ran for drew!


Thursday, October 2, 2014

{about those goals. and posting}

I found this in Instagram via @chocolaterunnergirl. I thought it would be perfect as I make my way back into blogging again. Seeing as how I'm coming in a little late, I'll see how many I can stick with. 
So... October goals. 
1. Get back to eating clean (80/20) once we get back from vacation. I was doing really well at home, and surprisingly managed to contain my sweet tooth most of the week, while making decent meal choices. (Now... I wonder how many calories are in Jameson shots?)
2. Continue marathon training (my St. Jude Marathon is December 6th). I've had some shin/leg pain this week, hopefully just from the treadmill. I'm hoping the ice/rest/ibuprofen I've been doing is enough to make it feel better. 
3. More yoga. I know how much I need yoga in my life, I just can't (dont?) make time to add it in along with my weekly runs and body pump). 
4. Sub 2 a half marathon?!?!?! 
I've been working towards this, and had planned on it with the MO Cowbell half coming up this weekend, but with my recent leg issue, plus traveling and non ideal food/beverage choices... We will have to see. I am signed up for Rock n roll STL 1/2 in 2 weeks. Wish me luck!